Deigna Dark's Shocking Tales
Cover and story by Jacob Bear
Izzy's Comics Exclusive
Breast Cancer Awareness Cover - Homage to the famous "Rosie the Riveter" WWII poster
The Story
Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies... all monsters that strike fear in ordinary people. But what strikes fear into the monsters? Find out in this issue when Deigna Dark tells a tale so shocking, that even the Boogie Man is terrified.
The Creative Team
The intro and outro is written and illustrated by Jacob Bear with the main story written and drawn by Michael Johnson-Curry, with Jacob Bear doing the finishes. Colors have been done by the amazing Sean Forney. With this creative team on board, this is a book you do not want to miss!
**Book is ready to print, this will be a ne week pre-order and then I will let Jacob Bear know how many I need.