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Bartleby's HAHA Chicken

Post by The Friendly Neighborhood Chef

We are lucky enough to have Keith from The Friendly Neighborhood Chef join our blogging team and contribute some awesome reading and amazing looking recipes for you! This one is going on Mellissa's menu for the week, for sure!

Check it out, and be sure to follow him on Instagram @thefriendlyneighborhoodchef!


The Friendly Neighborhood Chef’s Blog of Comics and Food


Wazup guys! Just your Friendly Neighborhood Chef here stirring up the pot and talking comics and food. As comic collectors we love to spend our money on comics or very hard to find variants. Most of us are in a constant rush of life that we forget to treat our bodies good. I’m here to help you out and realize you can cook and read at the same time. So every week I’ll share some really easy recipes and some interesting reads. I'm not only going to tell you how to cook but also on a budget, cause at the end of the day we still need to read our comics and collect.

HAHA Issue #1

This week's read is Haha written by Maxwell Prince and some really freaky clown art by Vanesa Del Rey. Maxwell Prince is known for his work on The Ice Cream man but unfortunately I started on issue 20. Little late to the party, but HAHA is a great book to start if you missed out on the disturbing but yet awesomely wicked Ice cream man.

HAHA Vanessa Del Rey Regular Cover

HAHA starts off with a clown named Bartleby who, to the reader, seems like he has a pathetic life. But to him life seems ok. His wife thinks he’s a loser, his job is letting him go and worst of all his best friend treats him like shit and robs him of his last check and beats the crap out of him.

Nimit Malavia Variant

All of this does affect him mentally, cause during a certain bank scene he literally does not give a shit and gets himself shot in the head. You know that scene in Deadpool the movie where he had to pull that knife out of his head and he was going through that trippy scene? Basically the same thing. In a way he was reborn after all of this and his perception of life now is a weird clown scene. Now You wonder after all of this: was he always crazy or just society pushing a man to go insane?

Pink Sketch Cover Variant

So, while reading this here is a quick and easy recipe but remember make it look good check my page out on Instagram for some pics for reference because I want you to impress your friends.



Bartleby's HAHA Chicken


All you need is:

Chicken breast


Butternut squash




Feeds 2-4 People

1.Brine your chicken to enhance your flavor (I basically did 2tblsps of sugar and salt, apple peelings , tablespoon apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of water. Put your chicken together with this mix and let it marinate for about 2-4 hours or overnight. (you can definitely read while waiting lol)

2.Make a butternut squash puree (you’re going to wanna save some to fold into the risotto and some for the base of your plate.  Peel and cut your squash then add some milk and butter (or use heavy cream for a richer taste) Add chunks of squash to a small saucepan and add milk butter enough to cover it by half. Once soft add to the blender but don’t put all the liquid in. Add slowly till you have a nice smooth looking puree.

3.Grab 1 onion and slice it up put it in a small pan with olive oil and let it cook down nice and slow till its very tender and brown.

4. Make a pesto or just buy a premade one. Nothing wrong with that because you can reuse pesto on anything. Or shoot me a message for a recipe. After the onions are done fold the pesto into it.

5.Cook your risotto. Add diced onion to a pan cook them till tender Add risotto white wine if you have and allow the wine to be absorbed by the rice then add water (or heavy cream) and cook slowly and stir till tender. When it's tender add some puree to give it that color, also add parmesan cheese to give it a thicker and richer taste and texture.

5.Take your chicken out and pat it with a towel to remove any excess liquid (you can save the brine for another batch or discard.) Grab a pan add oil and allow it to get a bit smoky then add your chicken to sear it to give color to both sided and throw it in the oven to finish to cooking process. Put in the oven at 350 degrees and give it about 9-10 minutes. You want an internal temp of 165 degrees. Take it out and allow it to rest before slicing for about 8-9 minutes (great time to read a few pages.)

6.Now you're ready to plate up and design your own plate or look at my pics for reference.

This took me about 45 minutes to make there is some down time between all of this to catch up on some reading. Remember all of this takes practice and I’m here to help you out if you need more tips.

Thanks for reading! 

After you try out this recipe, be sure to tag @izzyscomicsandcollectibles and @thefriendlyneighborhood chef so we can see 

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